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Riftkeepers: Prime Page 13

  “I'm sorry I had to leave you for a while. I'm all yours now. I have few days off.”

  “It wasn't that bad,” she said as she finished her wine and put the goblet on the floor. “Watching all those beautiful Fae women dancing was lovely.”

  “Not one of them touch you. You were the most beautiful woman in that room all evening.”

  “Okay,” she scoffed.

  I'm many things, beautiful is not one of them.

  He slid his hand up her leg. “Oh, you were. You're perfect,” he said, his voice low. The skirt of her dress slid up with his hand. “And you're mine.” He'd reached her thigh and tightened his grip.

  She gasped as the pressure made her stomach tighten.

  He loosened his hand, rubbing his thumb on the smooth skin of her inner thigh, her head buzzing as he his hand slid higher. Shuffling forwards, she ran her hand over his chest. There was no gentleness in his kiss, in the movement, as he pulled her toward him with his free hand. Forcing her lips apart with his own he searched with his tongue, hers skimming over the sharp points of his teeth. She sucked in a sharp breath as his hand moved up her thigh until he could go no further.

  Pulling back, he looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

  “I didn't want a line,” she giggled. He growled low and deep, in response, sliding a finger along her most sensitive part. A small groan escaped her.

  In a fluid movement, he stood. As he lifted her she wrapped her legs around his waist, pushed her fingers through his hair and kissed him again. She didn't realise they'd moved until he slammed her back into the closed bedroom door. Her fists clenched with the impact, tugging at his hair. Caught between his hard body and the door, she panted as he kissed her neck.

  Gently lowering her, he pulled her into the room, stopping her in front of the mirror. “You're perfect,” he murmured, shrugging out of his jacket. As he dropped it on the floor, he pulled her hair gently back and twisted it over a shoulder. She watched him through the mirror as he lowered his head to her neck. “You're beautiful,” he breathed as he ran his teeth along the delicate skin. She sucked in a breath through clenched teeth and he licked to cool the graze.

  She burned. This was torture.

  She hadn't noticed him unbuttoning her dress until he placed his hands on her sides and slid the fabric down. “Look.” Reaching round, he lifted her chin. “Perfect.”

  Turning to face him she stepped out of the dress at her feet. Dipping her chin, she ran a hand over his chest and whispered his name.

  He lifted her and moved to the bed. Lowering her gently he removed his shirt, his kisses trailing lower. She heard the clink and thud of his belt buckle as his trousers slid to the floor. His mouth didn't leave her. Gentle kisses, tiny nips of his teeth all sending hot tingles coursing through her veins.

  He rested his head on her abdomen, breathing her in, making her stomach churn with anticipation. His hands now free, he grasped her hips and dipped his head, his tongue finding her. She cried out, tensing. He brought round a hand, plunging his fingers inside, strong strokes matching the rhythm of his tongue. Writhing against him, hands buried in the duvet above her head, she broke. Trembling, biting hard on her bottom lip to stifle the sound as a cry escaped her lips. He found her mouth as she gasped for air.

  Hooking his hand around her thigh he moved onto the bed, bringing her over him, onto him. He was deep within her, so deep she ached. She moved and he watched her, eyes burning, as she found a steady rhythm.

  His hands roved over her, settling on her hips as they ground into his.

  Waves of heat poured through her and she tightened around him. A thumb slid between them, moving against her, joining her rhythm. She couldn't hold in the sound as she tipped. Over and over again he brought her to her limit. Until, eventually, he pushed himself up, covering her mouth with his and they peaked together.

  As her breathing settled, he lowered her onto the bed and kissed her deeply, gently, trailing a finger along the curve of her waist. She tingled. Everything, everywhere tingled.

  “Marry me,” he said in a husky voice.

  “What?” She wasn't sure he'd spoken.

  He propped his head on a hand, meeting her confused gaze. “Marry me. I never want to be apart from you again.”

  “Me? You want to marry me?” Her stomach flipped. She went cold. She flushed.

  “You. Marry me, Lady Charlotte.”

  What the fuck am I supposed to say to that?

  “You're sure? Me?”

  No, he can't possibly…

  “I'm certain. Only you.”

  “Well, umm, yes,” she squeaked.

  She smiled to herself in the dark, excitement tugging at her.

  She turned on her side and nudged back, her rear flush with his groin. His arm around her waist he held her, kissing her shoulder.

  “Again?” she gasped, feeling him harden against her.

  Chapter 16

  After breakfast, they all went down to the small garden that was being used by the children for their training. Blair was already there when they arrived. He was as big as Dagda but had dark cropped hair.

  He's only the second fae I've noticed with dark hair.

  Dressed in cropped jeans, canvass trainers and a loose t-shirt he greeted her warmly. “It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Lady Charlotte,” he said with a brief nod of his head, then looked to the children. “They're doing well, today it's more of what we've already gone over with some offensive work for Enya. What they've managed to learn already is astounding.”

  She smiled weakly and looked to Enya and Zander. “Please, just call me Charlotte,” she said, managing not to roll her eyes, then frowned. “Offensive work? Why does she need to learn to attack?”

  Blair rubbed the back of his neck and glanced at Callan.

  “We don't know what we're facing yet. It makes sense for her to be able to defend herself. It won't be necessary, I'm sure. We're just covering every eventuality.”

  Unconvinced she nodded and turned to Enya. “Be careful,” she whispered as she kissed her head and took Zander to sit on a bench nearby. Callan joined them. “Whatever you do, don't break their concentration. These lessons aren't just teaching them to use the power, they're teaching them to block out all distractions as they do.” She nodded, eyes fixed on Enya.

  “No buckets today,” Blair said. “You're to draw the moisture from the atmosphere before you can use it. It's just as you've done with the buckets of water here, concentrate and it'll come.”

  She was nodding and smiling as she listened to his instructions.

  Raising a hand, her pretty face set in a frown as she thought hard about what she was to do, she formed a sphere of water and carefully transferred it to her palm, glancing to her tutor, beaming.

  Charlotte gawked.

  “Very good! Now, frontal shield…”

  The water spread into a disc. Shifting her palm to face outward the disk followed.

  “Bigger,” Blair said gently.

  Her brows knotted, she did as he instructed and held the shield up between them.

  Suddenly, Blair shot a ball of fire at the centre of her shield. She bent her knees and pushed a foot back to take the impact. The fireball died as the water absorbed it with a hiss.

  “Again,” he called and sent two at her this time.

  Who shoots fire at kids?

  Charlotte was desperate to stop the lesson. Watching someone shoot fire at her child like that was horrifying. Somehow, she kept herself under control. This was necessary.

  “Excellent, again,” Blair said, clearly impressed.

  After a few minutes, she was sent to sit with them and Zander was called up. Charlotte checked her over, asking if she was okay. Enya shrugged free to watch her brother.

  “Remember last time, Zander? This time we're going bigger,” he said as he emptied two buckets of sand on the ground at his feet.

  Zander crouched, finger tips on the floor in a starters position. He looked at the pile
of sand and exhaled. Instantly a wall of sand rose between him and Blair. Charlotte gaped and looked at Callan. The pride was bursting from him.

  That's amazing.

  “Now set it.”

  He blinked, cocked his head, and walked over to Blair. The wall stood.

  “Excellent. Enya, come and knock it down. Zander, keep it standing. Go.”

  Enya leapt up and skipped to Blair.

  Oh great, pitting them against each other!

  Zander crouched and touched the floor with one hand. Enya skipped to the opposite side of the wall and raised both of hers. She fired an orb of water, knocking a hole in Zander's wall. As soon as it formed he sealed it.

  “Good. Enya, no more balls. Narrow them down, form arrows.”

  Five arrows formed before her, pushing her hand forward she sent them whizzing forward. Blair whispered something to Zander and he nodded.

  “Good, bigger. Do damage, bring it down,” Blair called to Enya.

  As she formed more the wall shifted. Zander sent it hurling towards her. She instantly threw up a shield, protecting herself from the impact.

  “Excellent! Wall her in!” Blair grinned to Zander.

  Zander was laughing as he curved the six-foot wall around her. He walked around it, surveying it.

  “Enya, you're going to have to get out of that. Use your imagination.”

  Zander braced for the damage she was about to throw at his creation. It didn't come.

  “Enya, think. You must get out of it and protect yourself. Think.”

  That's a bit harsh, she's bloody six.

  Callan sensed her concern and put a hand on her knee. “She can do it. She just needs to combine what she's already learned. Watch,” he said quietly.

  Water arrows shot into the sky and fanned out. Changing direction, they flew into the outside edges of the wall. Holes appeared. Another volley had the wall at half its original height. Finally, a huge orb crashed through the section Blair was looking at. Blair waved a hand and a shield of flame turned the orb to vapour. Enya stepped out with a shield up, ready to block any flying sand, looking very pleased with herself.

  “Zander can you put the sand back in the buckets please?” Blair asked as he walked over to the bench and stood by Charlotte. He looked at her and said, “Zander is incredibly powerful. He hasn't struggled with a single task yet. I think it's time to push him. We'll need to leave the palace for the morning, we can't risk damaging any buildings.”

  Callan smiled, “Anywhere in mind?”

  “I was thinking the old cairn, see if he can tap in and use the energy there to fortify a small structure?”

  Nodding in agreement, Callan said, “I'll arrange for someone to accompany you. How's Enya doing?”

  “Amazingly well, I've trained a lot of water wielders but she's something else,” Blair said. “We'll be moving on to properly mastering simultaneous shield and attack tomorrow. The stream by the cairn will give her plenty to practice with.”

  Charlotte listened while watching the children play with their new talents. Zander was forming sand castles within the buckets while Enya watered a flower from her fingertips.

  They're so talented. Obviously hasn't come from me.

  Blair left them and called to his charges, “Okay, that's enough for today. We're going out to do some big stuff tomorrow so make sure you have a good breakfast.”

  “He's nice,” Charlotte mused as he disappeared. “What does he do? He's the first Fae I've seen with cropped hair.”

  Callan laughed. “He works between the two courts, he's a trainer. Our best trainer,” he explained, “The amount of time he spends being battered with air, water and fire makes it easier to crop the hair. Especially with fire.”

  “Ah. Right. So, what are the plans for today?” she asked.

  “You wanted to see the city? I know a very good little restaurant we can visit for lunch, and you need suitable clothes. It's always summer here.”

  She picked at her nails and said, “Last night…”

  “You were magnificent,” he said, his voice low and husky as he nudged her neck with his nose.

  “No, not that,” she said as she flushed. “The other bit.”

  “Oh, would you like a public proposal?” he asked, lips twitching.


  “The opposite, actually… can we just keep it to ourselves for a bit? Just while the kids settle and we've sorted out moving here and everything?”

  He nodded, brows pulled in.

  Why do I feel guilty?

  “Will you at least accept a ring?” he asked, hopeful.

  “I don't need one, but yes, I would accept a ring.” She rolled her eyes and stood, calling, “Shall we have a look around the city you two?”

  The Palace and gardens overlooked the city. It would take forever to walk, so Callan ported them all down. The whitewashed buildings spanned for what seemed to be miles, the tight little cobbled streets were lined with shops selling everything from fine fabrics to sweets. You just had to find it in the maze of tiny avenues and alleys.

  The buzz of people reminded her of home, she missed walks along the harbour, going into town shopping, missed this. Enya and Zander ran on a little ahead pointing out all the new and exciting sights. Some things were like at home. The clothing boutiques, toy shops, butchers, and green grocers. Others she wasn't used to. An aromatherapist supplier with huge sacks of dried flowers outside, bright coloured bottles of oils displayed in the windows. An apothecary, selling potions and ingredients she had never heard of.

  Passing a small cafe, she could smell coffee and freshly baked pastries. “It's just like back at home in a lot of ways,” she said absent mindedly.

  “In many ways,” Callan nodded.

  All the streets looked alike and she didn't see a single sign to tell her where she was. “I'd get lost here on my own. Everything looks the same.”

  “You'll find your way around. You need to have a good wander on your own,” he said.

  Enya was delighted when she saw a little children's boutique. Inside, she ran from rail to rail admiring the frilly dresses, little tops and matching sets.

  Charlotte was disgusted with the number of bags they left with but Enya and Zander seemed happy with their entire new wardrobe each. The restaurant Callan was fond of wasn't far so they headed straight there.

  The little courtyard was paved with mosaic tiles, whitewashed walls hung with vines, the tables that littered the space spread with crisp white linens. The doors to the building were held open with little planters bursting with pink flowers. She could see a small bar inside. Callan retrieved a menu and spoke to a waiter briefly.

  When he returned, they discussed their morning and listened to the children gush about their training. Zander was particularly proud of his wall that he'd built around Enya.

  “What does it feel like? When you use your… magic?” Charlotte asked.

  Zander looked thoughtful for a moment and said, “It tingles, then you think it and it just does what you think.”

  Zander is much less… Zander here. A month ago, he wouldn't chat like this.

  “Where would you like to go after lunch?” Callan asked them.

  “I want to show uncle Dagda my arrows,” Enya announced. Zander agreed.

  “Mummy needs some clothes first, but that's a very good idea,” Callan smiled.

  “And the toy shop!” Enya added.

  “Is that before or after cake?” Callan asked, laughing.

  After a lovely meal, lots of conversation from Zander and the biggest piece of cake Enya had ever seen, they went back out into the city. The toy shop was wonderful, small steam trains and tracks, hand crafted dolls with Victorian styled prams to push them round in. They were stuck there for over an hour before they managed to coax Enya away.

  “Can we go home now?” Enya asked, sounding tired.

  “I can come back another time,” Charlotte offered.

  “I'll take them back and see if I can find Dagda.
You stay here, look round, buy what you want for yourself and I'll come to find you later.” He said, handing her a thick leather wallet.

  “There's money in there or you can stick it on the account. Whichever makes you most comfortable. No arguments,” he chided as he took the children's hands. “Bye Mummy!” Zander said, and they were gone.

  She stuffed the wallet into her bag with a sigh.

  She spent the afternoon wandering the streets, she did manage to find a couple of dresses and sandals for herself before she came to the cafe they had passed earlier.

  I need to sit down.

  She sat at a small table outside, watching the busy people passing as she drank tea.

  “Lady Charlotte,” a silky voice drawled. “What are you doing here? Alone again I see.”

  “Dane, I've been clothes shopping.” Smiling sweetly, she refused to let him rile her again.

  “May I?” he asked as he took the seat opposite her. He waved to a waiter and ordered coffee. “I was looking for a gift for a friend but gave up. Did you have fun last night?”

  Her mind wandered to the gardens at the palace and quickly looked away. “Yes, it was lovely. Do you live here or are you just visiting?” she asked, turning the conversation away from herself. His comments the previous night had unnerved her.

  She looked past him, to the busy street, to the planters of flowers splashing colour against the white walls of the buildings lining the cobbles. Anywhere but directly at him.

  “I split my time between Oxfordshire and where I work,” he answered coolly.

  She nodded and sipped her tea.

  The waiter arrived with his coffee. He didn't thank him, just waved him away.

  Ignorant arse.

  “Do you stay in the palace when you're here?”

  “So many questions Lady Charlotte,” he said, clicking his tongue. “My turn to ask one I think.” He gave her a mischievous look, leaning his elbows on the table, and asked, “How on earth does a little human girl like yourself bag a Fae prince?”

  “I didn't bag him, I don't know. I didn't exactly plan it,” she snapped. He smirked.

  One to him, time to go.

  “One more,” he said, holding up a finger before she could speak, “How's your wrist? The lovely Alayna wasn't exactly gentle with you last night.” His silver eyes were dancing.