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Riftkeepers: Prime Page 12
Riftkeepers: Prime Read online
Page 12
Charlotte lowered her hand gently and said, “I don't know what to say. Thank you, it's really beautiful.” A lump formed in her throat and she swallowed it down.
Caoimhe gently lowered the chain over her head. The pendant sat low on her chest.
“I'm sure it'll compliment your gown beautifully tonight,” Caoimhe smiled.
Oh, that silly bloody ball!
Charlotte gave her a watery smile and looked down to admire the pendent. Caoimhe rose gracefully and said, “Could I have a few more minutes with the children before you leave to get ready? They really are very special, thank you.” It was her turn to choke up.
Charlotte laughed softly, “Yeah, they really are. Spend all the time you need.”
They went back out onto the patio together. Everyone had disappeared but she could hear the children laughing. Looking out to the gardens she saw they'd all gathered on the lawns. Zander was in fits of giggles as Enya chased him, shooting water from her palm. Switching targets, she caught Dagda square in the face. He growled and ran at her. Shrieking, Enya ran away but he was far too fast. Catching her he threw her in the air. She screamed as he caught her, tickling her ribs. Zander shot to her defence and was given the same treatment, Dagda using air to spin him. Charlotte's heart warmed seeing them have so much fun with their new family.
Wish he wouldn't throw them so high.
“She's a very clever girl. None of mine managed that level of control until they were well over eight,” Caoimhe said as she watched them play.
“Forgive me for not being too excited about it,” Charlotte laughed. “It's taking some getting used to.”
“I imagine it's been very difficult. You've handled everything remarkably well, considering. That's true strength you have. Cal was lucky to have found you. Twice.” The warmth in her voice told Charlotte she truly meant it.
After another hour, lots of hugs and goodbyes they returned to their rooms.
“I know I've hardly seen you, but you two need to go and try to sleep. It's been a long day and the ball begins when you'd likely be going to bed,” Charlotte said as they arrived in their suite.
They went to their room and she flopped onto the sofa.
I'm knackered!
Callan brought her a glass of water from the small kitchen and sat down.
“Your mum is really lovely. She gave me this,” she lifted the pendant from beneath her tunic.
He took it gently in his hand and smiled, tuning it in his fingers. “I haven't seen this for years. Did she tell you about it?”
Emotion flooded her as she remembered what Caoimhe had told her about its history. “Yes,” she choked as her eyes filled, “she said I'm part of the family now.”
I wish mum were here. This wouldn't be so hard to face.
He gently lowered the stone and lifted her chin with a finger. “You are. You belong here with me, Charlotte. I meant what I told you earlier, I love you,” said, gently, holding her eyes with his own.
With a gentle kiss, he nodded to the bedroom door and said, “As much as I want to take you through there you need to go down to see Alayna. She's going to do your hair for tonight.”
Groaning, she got up. “I'd better have a shower then you can pop me down there.”
She peered into the children's room. She hadn't been in there yet. A gasp escaped her when she opened the door and was met by a huge underwater scene. Every wall was decorated with sea creatures, shells, and mermaids. The beds were circular, dressed in aquamarine and blue, the windows in matching blinds and drapes. Built into the wall was a fish tank, providing a soft light. Tiny fish darted around the ornaments and plants, flashing under the ultraviolet lights. She wondered when the room had been prepared for them.
The children were asleep.
Shower and preen it is then.
Sitting at the dressing table in their room she removed her pendent, turning it round and round in her fingers. Lost in her thoughts she didn't hear the shower stop. After several minutes, Callan padded into the bedroom. She caught sight of him in the mirror and got up.
“What're you thinking?” he asked, opening a drawer.
She shook her head and muttered, “Nothing, just looking at my pendent. I'm going to shower.”
Chapter 15
Alayna had styled her hair and applied her make-up. She'd been sent back to dress wearing nothing but a silk robe. The children were up and eager to go. “Wow Mummy, you're extra pretty tonight,” Enya gasped when she arrived back at their suite.
“Thank you, I'll find you something to eat then you'll need a bath.”
Callan emerged from the small kitchen with a bowl of nuggets and fries for Zander and a sandwich for Enya. “Half way there,” he smiled, placing the plates on the table as she sighed with relief.
He crossed the room and ran a finger down the front of her robe, “You look lovely.”
Colour spread across her cheeks. “I'm not ready yet,” she laughed.
Once the children were clean and dressed she went to change. Her gown was still in its bag, hung on the door of the wardrobe. Carefully removing it she laid it on the bed.
It is pretty. I'm going to need help getting into it though.
She called Callan. “Can you help me? It's so fiddly, I don't want to rip it.”
She stood in front of the mirror and watched as he gently fastened the intricate buttons up the back of the champagne coloured dress. The fabric skimmed every curve of her body, pooling lightly at her feet. She felt wonderful.
He reached for the pendent that she'd left on the dressing table earlier and lowered it over her head. The low cut of the dress showed its full beauty, the diamonds glinting against the solid black of the stone.
Lifting her hair, he kissed her neck. She could see the peak of an ear as she turned her head towards him. He nipped her skin and she felt tingles running down her spine.
Turning, she stepped away. He wore a black suit. The fabric had a slight sheen, his shirt was the palest silver that deepened the blue of his eyes. The bow tie looked uncomfortable but he wore it well.
Stop looking at me like that or we won't make it to the ball.
“Thank you”, she said looking through her eyelashes at him.
“You're stunning.” His voice was rough, as he ran a finger down her arm.
Heat raged through her as she murmured, “We have to go.”
She slipped on her shoes and he held out his hand.
They walked through the palace to the ballroom. Enya flounced in her layers of tulle, glittering in the soft light that filled the palace. Zander was the picture of handsome, his hair a soft mess of curls, his suit a miniature of Callan's. He walked with his hands casually stuffed in the pockets of his trousers.
“Zander, if it's too loud let me know, we can go back to the suite and relax, okay?”
She knew she was fussing but anxiety was building.
“I'm fine Mama,” he said as he smiled up at her. His green eyes sparkled.
Fair enough.
“We're back to formal. We'll be announced as we arrive. Then it's say hello, to everyone we need to. After that it's a normal party,” Callan murmured as music drifted toward them through a doorway veiled with thick, back curtains.
“How are they going to announce me? I don't have a title like you,” she muttered as people nodded in greeting as they passed.
“Lady Charlotte,” he said with a bright smile.
Bloody great. I've never been a lady!
They were halted at the curtain by a fairy dressed in a black and gold uniform.
“Zander take your hands out of your pockets, Enya, stop bouncing!” she hissed.
“Relax. It's their party,” Callan murmured softly into her ear. He kissed her gently and the curtains were opened. He grasped Zander's hand. She grasped Enya's.
“Prince Callan, Lady Charlotte, Prince Zander and Princess Enya,” a voice called into the ballroom.
There were hundreds of lords and ladies gathered on th
e floor below them. Everyone turned and applauded as they stood at the top of a marble staircase.
Enya was beaming. She was living every little girl's dream and it showed. Zander smiled broadly and looked up at her. She forced a smile and looked up. Callan said through a fixed smile, “Okay that'll do, down we go,” and led them down to the waiting crowd.
Don't slip. Don't slip. Don't slip. Stupid heels. Stupid dress. Don't slip!
Safely at the foot of the staircase she dared to look around the ballroom. Beautiful crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, bathing the room in a soft light. Callan led her through the crowd of people to a table at the very back of the room, stopping to speak to people as they passed. The king and queen were seated, warm smiles adorning their faces as they approached. Enya ran to them. Zander followed. Before she got to the table they were sat either side of their grandparents, who were quietly talking to them and admiring their clothes.
The knot of nerves tightened in her gut as the guests bowed their heads as she passed. Stopping before the table, Callan bowed. His parents stood and raised their goblets.
Taran tapped a glass with a knife and boomed, “Please, join us in welcoming our son and his family. Fáilte!”
Callan turned her to face the mass of guests. They all stood, goblets raised. “Fáilte!” they toasted in unison. Callan bowed to them and she awkwardly bent a knee.
“We're done,” he murmured and kissed her cheek. The room burst into applause and Charlotte felt heat rise in her cheeks. “I'll get you a drink, go and sit up there for a while.”
She quickly found her seat beside Dagda and took a shaky breath.
“Is it that bad?” he laughed tugging at his bow tie. “I'll be glad to get this off! It's throttling me. You look amazing by the way, scrub up really well for a human.” Mirth danced in his eyes and she shot him a warning look as he erupted into laughter.
Callan sat beside her and handed her a goblet. It was heavy in her hand, set with gemstones that glimmered in the soft light. She smelled the contents, a deep fruity red wine, and closed her eyes.
Looking up to find the children she glimpsed Dane eyeing their table. He tipped his goblet, winked, and was swallowed by the crowd.
Callan placed his hand over hers on the table. “They're dancing with my parents,” he said, gesturing to the corner to their left.
A smile spread across her face as she watched them. Enya twirling with Taran, Zander waltzing with Caoimhe.
I won't be seeing them this evening then.
“Shall we?” Not giving her an option he gently pulled her to her feet and led her out.
“I can't dance, Callan,” she hissed as he slid a hand to the small of her back.
“Liar,” he growled into her ear as they moved. “Beautiful liar.”
People had gathered in a large circle around them, watching as Callan led her gracefully around the floor. Taran and Caoimhe joined them with the children, then Dagda and Alayna. Soon they merged with many other couples as they waltzed in unison.
Catching glimpses of her children dancing and laughing she relaxed.
They're having a wonderful time, this ball is for them, to welcome them. They're safe and loved here, by a whole family, not just me.
When the music paused, he bent and kissed her gently, “Thank you,” he murmured. She flushed as he led her away from the dancing crowd.
“You must be hungry. You'll find everything you could want over by the pillars,” he gestured to an area of the room to her right, “I should do the rounds, I'm expected to greet certain people. You get something to eat, enjoy yourself. I'll find you.” He ran a finger along her jaw, tilting her chin and turned away.
Watching him go she felt the knot of anxiety forming again. Brushing it off, she made her way to the pillars Callan had indicated. It was slow going. Everyone she passed stopped, bowed, and greeted her. Finally reaching the tables, she took a goblet of wine from the server and leaned against a pillar. The cold marble chilled her skin through the thin fabric of her dress.
This is not my idea of a pleasant evening. Too many people, too much attention and not enough Callan.
Closing her eyes briefly, she took a large gulp of wine, then shifted slightly to watch as couples whirled around the floor. Ball gowns flashed and glittered as the beautiful women passed her. She felt so out of place among the enchantingly beautiful Fae.
As self-doubt flooded her she felt a hand snake around her waist and settle on her hip. Her skin prickled at the gentle touch and she leaned into the warm body behind her. Resting her head on his chest, she murmured, “I didn't expect you so soon.”
“I wasn't aware that I was expected,” he murmured in her ear.
Her stomach dropped and she whirled on him.
“Hello, Lady Charlotte.” He was standing with one hand on the pillar, slightly higher than his head, those silver eyes flashing as a smile played around his lips, “You look divine,” he drawled, slowly looking her up and down.
“Dane! Honestly!” Her back to the crowd, she forgot where she was briefly. She wanted to be angry, but she couldn't help laughing at her embarrassment. “What do you want?”
“You were alone. Again,” he shrugged. He looked over her shoulder briefly and smirked. Returning his attention to her he went on, “Anyway, I find you intriguing.”
“Well that's the first time in my life I've been described as intriguing,” she sniffed and cocked her head.
“Oh, you are.” He leaned in close, his breath tickling her ear. She didn't notice his hand leave the pillar before he slid it around her and didn't react as he slowly trailed his fingers lower and lower.
He's going to grab my arse!
She didn't flinch, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
“There's a darkness in you, Charlotte and I want to know how deep it runs,” he murmured, his soft drawl unnerving her. She shuddered. As he pulled slowly away, his hand leaving her back, he caught sight of the pendant.
He lifted it with a finger and bent his head to look at it more closely.
Shit, he's got his head in my boobs now! Has he no shame?
“Buying you with trinkets now, are they?” His eyes flicked up, past her again and he slowly lowered his finger. The pendant settled back on her chest and he gave her a wicked grin and said, “Oh, you're in trouble now.”
Alayna appeared at her side, her perfectly beautiful face twisted in rage. Eyes flashing in fury, she snarled, “Touch her again I'll break your arm!” She gripped Charlotte's wrist with so much force her nails almost broke the skin, making her flinch away.
I didn't do anything.
“Careful, Princess,” he chided. “I'm sure I'll be seeing you later.” He winked and sauntered away.
Alayna turned to face to her, her features softening. “Sorry. He just… uhh!” The frustration left her voice as she said, “The children have fallen asleep. Shall I take them up? I don't mind, I've had enough anyway. I can sit with them, you enjoy yourself.” Her eyes flicked to the angry marks on her wrist and remorse shadowed her features.
“If you're sure, that would be lovely,” Charlotte smiled, managing to keep her tone level, Alayna smiled and left her by the pillar.
What was that about? He is proving to be a bit of an obnoxious dick, but still.
She picked up another goblet of wine and drank it down.
As wonderful as this is, I'm not enjoying myself. I'm alone, again. Again. Just as Dane had said. I should have taken the kids up and stayed there.
As she was about to leave, Callan joined her. “I saw Alayna taking Enya and Zander to bed. Is she watching them?”
“Yeah, they did well. They've never been up so late,” she laughed, relieved he was back with her, and reached for a fresh goblet of wine.
Callan looked around the room and asked, “Would you like to see the gardens? I can't stand another conversation about work. Or would you like to dance? Dancing keeps people away.”
“Gardens. My feet ar
e killing me, I couldn't dance!” she groaned.
Taking his hand, they left the ballroom by an open door at the back.
It was much cooler outside. The fresh air made her head spin.
Too much wine.
They were standing on a veranda on the western side of the palace. Callan led her down stone steps and to a gravel path lined with tall hedges and small lanterns. Turning left, they were completely out of view of the palace. Slowing his pace, he shifted his hand to her waist, steering her right. The path opened onto a water garden bathed in moonlight. The only sound was the trickle of water from the huge fountain in the centre of the pond. She could make out huge, circular lily pads on the surface of the water, the flowers closed against the cool, dark night.
“This is where I come for peace and quiet when I'm here,” Callan explained, tugging at his bow tie. “They're so uncomfortable,” he muttered as he stuffed it in his pocket.
“It's beautiful. Everything about this place is. It's unbelievable,” she said, looking around her. He took her hand and led her further into the garden. They came to a small wooden bridge, a pergola swathed in lights beyond. Relief flooded her at the sight of ornately carved benches overlooking the pond.
“Oh, thank god! My feet are burning.” She pulled Callan after her as she dove for a bench and kicked her shoes off. He knelt in front of her and lifted a foot, rolling his thumbs across her aching sole she tipped her head back. “I'm never wearing shoes that high again. That's nice.” Glancing down she saw he was smirking at her and said, “What? You try it.”
“I'll take you word for it,” he said, switching to massage the other foot. “What have you done all evening, while I was off being bored half to death?”
“Well I drank a lot of wine, watched a lot of dancing and had a chat with Dane. Then you came back and my evening picked up,” she shrugged.
“Did you have another pop at him?”
“No, I was very nice actually. He was… charming. We only spoke for a couple of minutes.”
That isn't even half of it. No need to upset him though.